REO Fire Truck Repairs
The REO fire truck is just about ready for its 100th Birthday Party on May 4. Hannah and our volunteer vintage car expert Claude have been working for months to get it in top shape, and finally took it for a short drive on Friday. The work list included repairs
April Movie Night
Thanks to everyone who came out to Vintage Aviation Movie Night on Friday, and thanks to Firebolt Stone Oven Pizza & Coffee for their sponsorship of the awesome food and dessert. Watch our events page for the summer movie schedule.
Hot Rod Thursday
Throwback Thursday! We stumbled upon this May, 1974 copy of Rod Action magazine, and there in the background is Al Kelch’s own 1932 Franklin Sport 90! It sure makes that hot rod look classy. See the Franklin Sport at the Kelch Aviation Museum, Wed–Sun; 10-4. No word on where the
Thunder Birds Movie Night
Mark your calendars for Vintage Aviation Movie night on Friday, April 21st, at 7pm the Kelch Aviation Museum! We’re showing Thunder Birds (1942), and serving pizza and soft drinks at 6:30. The event is free, but donations are always encouraged! Directed by Oscar-winner (and real WWI pilot) William A. Wellman,