Al, Sandy, and Doug
Its always fun when folks send us old photos of Al Kelch and his “museum” hangars from years ago. This one is a classic, with Al at right, Francis “Sandy” Saunders at center, and Doug Holt at left. Sandy was the patriarch of Brodhead Airport for many years and was
A whole new look!
We’re so excited to launch our new site and new look, complete with a fresh logo, brand new merchandise, and a lot of new cool features! Our Logo We wanted a very distinct but very classic look for Kelch’s new logo. Lifelong Brodhead Airport regular Bill Weeden created our new
Another Pietenpol donation!
Another Pietenpol donation! “Wait, didn’t the museum just get a Piet a few weeks ago?” Yes, we did, but this one is a single seat Sky Scout, and it hasn’t been covered yet, so the woodwork and construction techniques will make a fantastic addition to our planned exhibit of Bernard
Katy the Waitress
Here’s a super fun sheet music cover from 1914! Aviation became an international sensation in the early half of the 1900s, and aviation themes showed up in all kinds of art and culture. Do you have a favorite song about flight? Share it with us! Since Katy the Waitress (Became