The Brodhead Area Foundation recently sent the final installment of a three-year grant to the Kelch Aviation Museum, totaling $135,000. The foundation has supported the museum with donations of $45,000 per year since 2018, with an emphasis on the rentable event space in our Phase II building.
The final check was “mailed” this week via U.S. Air Mail in our museum hangar. Dr. Ray Pawlisch, representing the foundation, presented the air mail pouch to Ami Eckard-Lee, Collections Manager for the museum, in front of our 1929 Stearmna C3-B.
This aircraft flew the U.S. Mail for several years on Route 16; Cleveland, via Akron, Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati, Ohio to Louisville, Kentucky and return. It seemed fitting that we should use it to deliver one more important piece of mail from the foundation to the museum.
We extend our continued thanks to the Brodhead Area Foundation for their major support.
Read the original grant announcement here.